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新闻与谈话 科学与技术

Stahl: Has there ever been a Brand name like google? Nonexistent six years ago, it's Now a global verb, as in "I googled this," or "I googled that," or "I googled you." "to google," definition: to look anything up on the internet using Google's super-computer and get an instant answer. The company that began as a school project is now worth about as much as Ford and General Motors combined, thanks to a stock that has roughly doubled in price since it went public last August. And for the first time since, Google has opened its doors to let us google them.

Sergey Brin: here coming around, we have North America.

Stahl: oh, look at that. Google co-founder Sergey Brin is showing us an electronic globe that displays the mountains of Google searches happening around the world at any given moment.

Brin: So every little dot represents a certain number of searches. But you can see that there are thousands of searches going on every second. Now you can see europe.

Stahl: oh, and these are all different languages, right? All the different colors?

Brin: yeah.

Stahl: oh, europe is really going strong. 200 million times a day, someone somewhere uses google to search for something on the internet: An old boyfriend, a new boyfriend, a new gadget, a used car; serious, frivolous. Type in "Paris Hilton," and Google's computers, roughly 100,000 of them, search the entire internet for every mention of her-- 6,500,000-- and every picture-- 6,500-- in half a second. Looking at the googleplex company headquarters in Silicon Valley, it's hard to imagine that just a few years ago the company basically consisted of the russian-born Brin and co-founder Larry Page working in a converted garage.

Brin: our boardroom table was also our ping pong table. So it had the net and everything.

Stahl: and the dress code?

Brin: well, I'm probably a bit embarrassed when I look at the photos back then. I think we were pretty much disheveled students.

Stahl: A lot of googlers still look like disheveled students. Inside, the googleplex feels more like a college dorm than a corporate office-- bikes in the hallways, dogs under the desks-- And there's a strong spirit of play. Besides all the ping-pong, there's a volleyball game every day at noon.

Brin: this is really where we spend, you know, the overwhelming majority of our time. And so in order to have a good lifestyle, we had to have a good lifestyle at work, which meant that, you know, you do have lots of sports and things. We have our ski trip.

Stahl: you mean together?

Brin: the whole company goes on the ski trip.

Stahl: still?

Brin: yeah, well, it's going to be hard this winter, but we're going to try for it, yeah.

Stahl: how many people work Here?

Brin: it's approaching 3,000.

Stahl: whoa, it's going to be a big ski trip. You're going to have to have your own mountain. Then again, you can afford it. Google can afford a lot of things these days. And so can its employees, many Of whom had stock options. Something like 1,000 became millionaires when the stock went public, and Brin and Page, barely into their 30s , are worth about $6 billion each. But they're doing everything they can to keep the money from becoming a distraction. Brin treated the day that the company went public as just another workday.

Brin: and everybody was Focused on their projects. One of the engineers I talked To, and I asked him what his Plans were, and he said he was Going to throw out all of his Socks and buy new ones so they Would all match, they'd all be The same kind. So that was the kind of Extravagance we're seeing here.

Stahl: have you gone out and Splurged on anything yourself?

Brin: I bought this shirt. A new t-shirt, wow.

Stahl: no jaguar?

Brin: no, no. I just... I still have a little Japanese car.

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