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发布于: 5年前   10'33"


教育与教学 考试



1.what is the woman looking for?

A. Her phone. B. Her desk. C. Her dictionary.

2.What is the man doing?

A. Shopping online. B. Watching videos. C. Fixing the computer.

3.How did the woman go around San Francisco?

A. By car. B. By train. C. By taxi.

4.Where is the museum?

A. On New Street. B. At the first crossing. C. Opposite the library

5.Why couldn’t Sandy get the books?

A. Because he was too busy to go to the bookstore.

B. Because the bookstore closed before he arrived.

C. Because the books were sold out before he arrived.




6.Who is going to Peru this weekend?

A. Lucy. B. Mike. C. Jack.

7.What will Mike do this weekend?

A. Stay with Jack. B. Have an exam. C. Study for a test.

8.When Will Lucy see the movie?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

A. At the doctor’s. B. In the classroom. C. On the playground.

10.Which of the following is true about the man?

A.He sometimes plays football.

B.He stays up late to study on weekdays.

C.He hardly eats fruit or vegetables.

11.What advice does the woman give?

A.The man should play table tennis sometimes.

B.The man should get enough sleep.

C.The man should work hard for the exams.


12.How will the weather be tomorrow in southern England?

A.Cloudy and dry. B. Warm and wet. C. Sunny and dry.

13.What will the weather be like across Wales early in the morning?

A. Foggy. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.

14.When will it rain in the north of England?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.

15.What will the temperatures be tomorrow in Scotland and Northern Ireland?

A.Around 52 degrees. B. Around 55 degrees. C. Around 64 degrees.


英语: 社会与文化, 商业与金融, 科学与技术, 教育与教学 , 演讲与讲座

越南之声VOV 5对外频道

英语: 新闻与谈话, 音乐, 社会与文化, 艺术与娱乐, 教育与教学


英语: 社会与文化, 艺术与娱乐, 教育与教学 , 本地信息


英语: 音乐, 体育, 社会与文化, 艺术与娱乐, 宗教与信仰 , 教育与教学 , 本地信息


英语: 艺术与娱乐, 教育与教学

新加坡Kiss 92女性电台

英语: 音乐, 社会与文化, 艺术与娱乐, 教育与教学 , 本地信息


英语: 新闻与谈话, 音乐, 体育, 社会与文化, 宗教与信仰 , 教育与教学

探索频道【Discovery Channel】

英语: 社会与文化, 科学与技术, 教育与教学


英语: 社会与文化, 商业与金融, 艺术与娱乐, 教育与教学


英语: 社会与文化, 艺术与娱乐, 科学与技术, 教育与教学


英语: 新闻与谈话, 宗教与信仰 , 教育与教学

Oil and Water Do Not Mix

英语 336天前


